A Peek Into My Studio
Just moved to a new studio—here she is! Need to add some plants and books to my shelf, but she's off to a good start.
A New Work in Progress
New painting I just started... figure reference comes from Cignani's "Apollo and Daphne" (c. 1680)
GWA Podcast
This podcast was introduced to me by my former Professor, and I keep it in my go-to's to listen to when painting. I've discovered several new female artists I wasn't familiar with by listening and learned more about the artists I already loved.
JUNE 2023
Basquiat on Found Surfaces
"I just want to use wood for everything, as the base for paintings. I think it looks much better, less academic. I enjoy painting on canvas still, sometimes... In the beginning I worked on wood because that's always free, to work on the doors and windows of the Lower East Side."
MAY 2023
Brooklyn, NY.
Pleased to be a part of the "Gen Z by Gen Z" exhibition at GBA Gallery in Brooklyn, New York.
Work in Progress
Late night studio update.
Sketchbook Exercise
A collage I created out of an old Hi-Fructose magazine and some yellow vinyl.
MAY 2022
Book Recommendation
Women in the Picture: What Culture Does with Female Bodies by Dr. Catherine McCormack | This book was so powerful. It's very much been influential and informative to my studio process.
Stack Squares Mural
Mural in progress on Carroll Street in Cabbagetown, Atlanta.
Work in Progress
Foreshadowing. Literally.
JUNE 2021